Email Community Guidelines.

These parent-to-parent e-mail lists are created and supported by Friends of BCSIS and the Ed Council of BCSIS, which function as parent-teacher-school and charity fundraising organizations. These organizations are entirely separate from Boulder Valley School District and BCSIS. These organizations work with the principal and other staff of BCSIS, but are voluntary and parent-based. Your classroom teacher will send you and other parents messages about class from a different e-mail list, an official one from BCSIS and BVSD. The parent-to-parent list messages on the other hand are easy to recognize because they end with

These e-mail lists provide many opportunities for us all to connect as a community in positive ways:

  • Getting kids from the same class together for birthday parties and other fun events

  • Asking for help from other parents when your kid needs a ride home, a snorkel, or some friends to stay in touch while home sick

  • Suggesting a event or camp that you think would be more fun for a group of kids to go to together (in which you have no financial interest)

  • Reaching out to other parents about some recent events (e.g., war, natural disasters, etc.) for advice about how to address it with young kids

  • Asking for parents to help out at an upcoming Friends of BCSIS event

  • Gathering help and support for families that have found themselves in difficult situations

And so much more!

On the other hand, this is not the ideal place to discuss issues related to student behavior/interactions or a teacher’s classroom practices -  please take this kind of conversation up directly with the teacher and/or principal. Teachers and other BCSIS staff are not a part of these lists, so please refrain from including your child’s teacher on these list messages. 

The BCSIS community holds free speech as a value, so we all need to feel that our parent–parent lists are a safe place for sharing ideas and even having some dialogue or debate around issues important to us as parents. The existence of disagreement on a point of view or opinion does not mean that a particular idea is offensive or that expressing it violates a community guideline. To this end, we ask that you observe our community guidelines:

  • Above all, be kind and respectful of others. Discussing issues where there are disagreements is fine, but this should be done without insulting or belittling others because of their point of view. 

  • Not including any hateful, vulgar, or obscene language/content in messages or links to such kinds of things on the internet

  • Not posting spam or advertising

  • If you are interested in advertising your business or services or promoting events that you have a financial interest in, please consider becoming a Parent Partner [click here].

By opting into this Parent-to-Parent email list, you are agreeing to these guidelines. List members that violate these norms will be notified, and may no longer be permitted to stay on the lists if they fail to comply with the norms. 

Thank you for choosing to be a part of the BCSIS community!