Take Action

The heart & soul of BCSIS is our dedicated parent community.

Our commitment to our kids is evident in the ways we show up for them, whether it’s supporting our school by donating to the Community Growth Campaign and other fundraisers, or volunteering our time in the classrooms or at various events throughout the year.

Please view our annual CGC information here

Why We Donate


What: Donate your money by contributing to the Community Growth Campaign. Donate your time by getting involved and volunteering.

Where: the money raised by us goes directly to our school. ED Council votes on where funds are dispersed. Please view the ED Council page for additional details.

Why: We love our kids and what better way to show up for them than by supporting their school.

Why We Volunteer

We have a volunteer job to fit every schedule! The tool Help At School is how you can sign up for volunteering. This will show parents & educators an up-to-date listing of volunteer opportunities, and allows sign up for jobs that interest you.


If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom, please speak directly with the classroom teacher. The Boulder Valley School District requires a background check for school volunteers. Please visit the BVSD website for more information. 

*Fall 2021 BVSD had Covid restrictions on volunteers inside our school. Stay up to date with the latest information regarding volunteer roles by checking the weekly Newsblast.

Get Involved!


Financial Contribution

The exceptional, professional-quality art supplies, the integrated-arts curriculum, and the use of natural materials in classroom equipment and supplies are part of what make our school and class environment unique. To meet these costs, we must provide funds beyond those provided by BVSD.

“Spend Your 20!”

Volunteers are the heart and soul of BCSIS. We treasure your contribution to this beautiful school, and we love to see you here. We are dependent upon the continued dedication of parents who volunteer their time, ideas, and money to keep the school thriving and strong. We encourage each Adult to contribute 20 hours a school year in a variety of ways.


Background Check

Keep our kids safe. This is a yearly requirement for volunteering.