Connect and Engage with our Parent-to-Parent Email Lists!

Experience the power of community by signing up for our parent-to-parent e-mail lists. Supported by Friends of BCSIS and the Ed Council of BCSIS, these lists serve as invaluable platforms that bring together parents, teachers, and the school in a joint effort to foster a positive and supportive environment. Unlike official communication channels from Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) and BCSIS, our parent-to-parent lists offer a unique space for meaningful interactions and exchanges between just parents.

Updates from your classroom teacher through the official BVSD and BCSIS e-mail list. However, the parent-to-parent list messages end with the distinctive domain.

Our e-mail lists offer endless possibilities for positive community engagement:

🎉 Getting kids from the same class together for birthday parties and other fun events

🚗 Asking for help from other parents when your kid needs a ride home, a snorkel, or some friends to stay in touch while home sick

🌟 Suggesting a event or camp that you think would be more fun for a group of kids to go to together (in which you have no financial interest)

🌍 Reaching out to other parents about some recent events (e.g., war, natural disasters, etc.) for advice about how to address it with young kids

🤝 Asking for parents to help out at an upcoming Friends of BCSIS event

❤️ Gathering help and support for families that have found themselves in difficult situations

And that's just the beginning! Our e-mail lists are packed with opportunities to connect, support, and make lasting memories together. Join us today and be a part of our incredible community. Sign up now to unlock the endless possibilities that await!

Join us now and let's build a stronger community together!

Please fill out the form below to join: